Wednesday, November 30, 2011


These absent anapests and pale pentameters
like sequin strands I've woven into dress
to clothe myself in mystery and peril
the dark even mistress of language and memory

I am the shadow that you cast
hidden in the light
I float before and trail behind
violet with tumult of a city descending
I have taken the twilight
the transient blue of a tempered dusk
and wait, in a hush of longing, for your return


Friday, November 18, 2011

Muir Beach, 2001

The waves are racing back beyond the blue
horizon; fleeting gulls recall their screams
to granite cliffs, as calm before they flew.
The grey within the clouds above now teems
in fury, white with rushing foam; the day
is waiting blank, as empty paper waits
for pen, as lyrics wait for singers gay
and true; it waits as even night is late.
I turn my pencil back to sunny skies
before I walked the sand, to green and gold
and dusky red, away from where I lie
and look to where the sea and sky unfold:
the rise and fall within the rise and fall,
the wasting time that flows beneath it all.


Friday, November 11, 2011

and are you listening
behind those veiling hands
splitting slicing redress
is all tatters, frenzied pains
in streams of sour
yr bathing in unrest
summer salt, yet motionless
and yr crying too

and i've come seeking
some sense of quiet beside you
in deep night weeping
in a smothered silent room
where you are sleeping
submissive as the tomb
light streaming in
before and beyond you

-Martyn Bates

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The waves returned to the Bible:
page by page the water closed:
all anger returned to the sea's center,
but between my eyes remain
the varied and useless treasures
left to me, the sea's dismantled love
and shadowy rose.

-Pablo Neruda